Forensically important sap beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) of North America


  • Lauren Weidner
  • Gareth S. Powell


Omosita, Nitidula, carrion, Nitidulinae


The forensically relevant taxa of the family Nitidulidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) are reviewed and diagnosed. Specifically, two genera were identified as forensically important based on the shared feeding behavior on carrion (Nitidula and Omosita). In total, eight species are reported from North America, including a new country record for Omosita funesta Reitter. Collection records were compiled from 25 major institutions with major holdings from the USA and Canada and used to generate distribution maps for each species. The validity of Omosita nearctica Kirejtshuk was tested with molecular data (COI barcode region), and genetic distances were compared across several representative species for the group. Finally, a dichotomous key is provided for both Nitidula and Omosita at the species level, supplemented with dorsal habitus photographs of each species.


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How to Cite

Forensically important sap beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) of North America. (2023). Journal of Forensic Entomology, 1.